Former Fulham Head of Coaching Ben Bartlett: how to use an ‘environment design framework’ to develop long-term player development plans
Practice | Syllabus | Ben Bartlett | 04.06.2021
Former Fulham FC Head of Coaching, Ben Bartlett, reflects on his beliefs about player and coach development and outlines the ingredients of an effective football environment.
• How to design a coaching programme that responds to individual needs
• Giving coaches ownership for individualised support
• Improving your programme through regular review and reflection
Playbooks can be seductively alluring in their ability to confirm our human desire for certainty. The idea that if we deliver the session that an eminent coach details then we will be successfully supporting our team and player development might be true some of the time, but, like most things, it is unlikely to be universally true.
Skills, like those required to play football, are probably learnt and emerge in response to the context. The more each experience responds to what we understand about our environment, perhaps the more likely we are to impact learning - for both players and coaches.